Friday, August 26, 2011

Detect And Defeat Almost Any Form Of Cancer

This is a new test and if it runs twice, false positives and false negatives is reduced to less than 1%. It can mean life or death! If you find that you have cancer, it is likely that there is a 99% chance of recovery. Wondering what this test is? The test substance, using a sample of blood, called anti-tumors (AMAS), which "look" of an antibody, a protein that the body produces against the foreigner, in this case, the cancer cells.

The body has the ability to look for cancer cells and immune system of a host makes this a common response to any type of cancer cell. Your breasts do not get crushed, and you-know-where is the searching and stress saved. Amas test can safely let you come to the conclusion that the cancer has gone into hiding somewhere in the body, test results should come back positive. This allows you to start treatment before the cancer has spread to the occasion. Whether it's breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer or some other form of cancer most common, Amas should be part of your personal medical examination is required when visiting a doctor.

Originally, the pregnancy test used as a cancer test. Cancer patients, men or women in menopause was "pregnant" when they passed this test, a quantitative test was developed to measure HCG. A review of 50 and below showed no malignancy and 50 and over were more likely to show malignancy. Of course, the quantitative tests can be used to detect cancer. According to these results, could any man or woman who has since ceased to have a menstrual cycle, take a pregnancy test and if it detects positive may in fact have a hidden cancer.

For those who are not prone to regular controls, this would be a valuable tool to discover if there was a malignant tumor in the body. If the results of a pregnancy test read positive, as the blood test, Amas, medical help to the final decision. Done twice, Amas is certainly a reliable test, and the amount of money saved, saving the patient's test after test, would be enormous.

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